

For Non-profit Organizations

Grant Writing with Kindred: Cultivating Connections for Your Cause

At Kindred, we understand that seeking grants isn’t merely about securing funds—it’s about weaving a heartfelt story that resonates with those who can help breathe life into your vision.

Grants are more than just financial tools; they are bridges that connect passionate visions to the resources needed to bring them to fruition. But laying the foundation for these bridges can be daunting, especially when venturing into the realm of new initiatives or organizations.

While the heart of every grant remains a sincere need, a transformative purpose, and the unique role of the grantmaker, the intricacies of presentation can differ significantly among funders. From nuanced narratives to specific formatting details, the journey to creating an impactful proposal is a tapestry of intricate threads.

Let Kindred be the hands that craft this tapestry for you. With our dedicated and compassionate approach, we ensure each grant proposal is not only impeccably tailored to the requirements of the funder but also tells your story with the warmth and depth it truly deserves. Together, let’s make a difference—one connection at a time.

Services Exclusively

For Nonprofits

(Early stage, Mid and Established Non Profits)

Initial Consultation

We provide ongoing consultation to our monthly clients. Our consultations come from years or experience and up-to the-minute research that we do.

501c3 Application

The first step that makes any organization fundable is registering as a nonprofit organization. This process is handled through the IRS and we make certain that the organization applies under the appropriate application.

Grant Searches

We search through various search engines to find grants that specifically fit an organization. This is arduous work, but our experience has made us very efficient in this process.

Grant Writing

Our priority is writing grants that get funded! This starts with the nonprofit offering or creating a program worthy of external funding. Our process is to write and submit the grant.

Grant Management

If a funder provides you resources, the funding agency will want to know how you spent the funds and if you spent them according to what was written in the application. We prepare clients for external funding!

Business Planning

A Business Plan assures the reader that your organization was built with a strategy in mind as opposed to just an idea. What’s more, a properly written plan answers some of the questions that a grant application may have.

Corporate sponsorships

When a corporation offers its support, they anticipate seeing their contributions make a tangible impact aligned with their corporate values. We guide nonprofits in forging meaningful partnerships with businesses.

Get a FREE Grant Qualification Assessment TODAY!


For Profit Organizations

Elevate Your Vision with a Robust Business Plan

In the world of impactful change, a well-crafted business plan isn’t just paperwork—it’s the cornerstone of success. More than just a tool to woo investors, a business plan stands as a testament to your organization’s clarity of purpose and depth of understanding. It showcases your grasp on what you offer, who you serve, where you stand amidst competition, and your envisioned financial trajectory. At Kindred, we recognize that behind every purpose-driven organization is a strategic mindset. Our bespoke planning services, ranging from standard to comprehensive, are tailored to ensure your mission is grounded in strategy and foresight. Connect with us today and let’s turn that vision into a tangible roadmap.

Essential Services

For Businesses


Prefered lender

Provide information on a preferred lender, every Business Plan includes information on a preferred lender.

Loan Application

If the client has chosen a lender but the loan application is complex, we will complete the loan application for the client for a fee.

Investor Application

If the client chooses to go with an Investor and the Investor application is complex, we will complete the Investor application for a fee.

Business Letters

A variety of other writing assignments such as termination letters, new hire letters, creation of a job application, etc.

Employee Manuals

We will write an Employee Manual for a small business. As explained, Employee Manuals generally include information about the company, a welcome letter from the president or CEO, the company’s mission, vision, purpose, values, and broad strategic goals, the company’s commitment to employees, and various non-compete, non-disclosure, and employee confidentiality agreements, if the company uses them.

Policies and Procedures

We will write policies and procedures for a small business. As explained, Policies and procedures provide a roadmap for day-to-day operations. They ensure compliance with laws and regulations, give guidance for decision-making, and streamline internal processes.



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