
About Us


Kindred is all about heart and using our expertise to help achieve your vision. We started with a simple goal: to help good people doing good things find the support they need. We know that nonprofit groups have amazing dreams, and sometimes, all they need is a little push to turn those dreams into reality. That’s where we come in. We connect these passionate groups with the funds they need, making the often tricky process of grant writing a whole lot easier.

For us, it’s personal. Every dream, big or small, deserves a chance to shine. We’re here to listen, to understand, and to stand by your side. Because when you succeed, the world becomes a little brighter, and that’s what Kindred is all about.

Why we’re different

Kindred’s Fresh Approach

Revolutionizing Nonprofit Support. By seamlessly blending our expertise in the digital realm, business strategies, and compelling writing, Kindred is poised to redefine how nonprofits access and utilize funding, driving transformative change in the industry.

Our Vision

A world where passionate causes effortlessly find the support they need.

Our Mision

To simplify grant acquisition, connecting dreamers with the resources to turn visions into reality.

how we do this

  1. Future-Focused Perspective: Unlike traditional approaches that remain anchored in age-old methods, Kindred constantly looks ahead, anticipating the evolving needs of nonprofits and adapting our strategies accordingly.
  2. Integrating Digital Expertise: In an increasingly digital world, our proficiency isn’t limited to grant writing alone. We harness the power of digital tools, platforms, and trends to amplify reach and research, ensuring that nonprofits are equipped to thrive in a digital age.
  3. Business Acumen Integration: By blending our deep understanding of business strategies with our nonprofit support initiatives, we ensure that organizations aren’t just funded, but are also structured for sustainable growth and success.
  4. Reimagining Grant Writing: Traditional grant writing can be tedious and restrictive. At Kindred, we infuse creativity, precision, and a deep understanding of both the nonprofit and funding landscapes to craft compelling narratives that resonate.
  5. A Holistic Support Model: We believe in comprehensive support. From initial consultation to ongoing management, our services are designed to walk nonprofits through every step of their journey, ensuring they’re not just funded, but also empowered.
  6. Building Collaborative Partnerships: We’re not just service providers; we are partners. Our approach prioritizes collaboration, ensuring that we work hand-in-hand with nonprofits, understanding their core essence, and tailoring our support to fit their unique needs.