
your cause, our commitment

We work with non-profit organizations to elevate worthy causes through grant writing and strategic consulting.

Your Partners

Your mission matters to us. 

Your goals are our goals. Through our collaborative approach, we develop funding strategies and craft compelling proposals that resonate with funders to access the resources you need.

Non-profit hurdles? We’ll lighten the load and simplify the journey. 

Limited resources and endless to-dos can be overwhelming. Grant applications are known for their complexity and compliant-heavy guidelines. Let us take on the funding challenges and navigate the intricacies while you focus on what truly matters.

Your path

Consider where your nonprofit stands on its journey to impact. Do you need a dedicated partner to shoulder the entire grant process from start to finish? Or have you secured funding and now seek expertise in optimizing and maintaining it?

Which one sounds like your organization?

How we work

Our 6 D’s approach for working with non-profits is a structured and strategic method based on the experience we have gained developing structures, process and products for a wide range of for and not-for profits. Running a non-profit requirements the same level of rubric and thinking as a standard business if not more and our job is to empower the teams we work with to maximize their vision, but most importantly drive their impact, sustainably.

1. Discover

This initial stage involves extensive research and information gathering. Non-profits explore their environment, stakeholders, and the needs of the communities they serve. It’s about understanding the current landscape, identifying challenges, and recognizing opportunities.


In this phase, we work with you to clarify your vision, mission, and goals. This involves setting clear, measurable objectives and deciding on the strategies to achieve them. It’s about articulating what the organization stands for and what it aims to accomplish.


This stage focuses on assigning responsibilities and resources. It involves determining who will be responsible for what tasks, how resources will be allocated, and establishing lines of communication and accountability. Effective delegation ensures that the right people are working on the right tasks with the right resources.


Now we identify potential grant opportunities, understanding their requirements, making sure the ‘fit’ is right.  Followed by creation of grant submissions, to craft a compelling narrative that highlights the organization’s mission, programs, impact, and needs. Aimed at securing the necessary funding and resources to support the organization’s initiatives.


This stage is about executing the developed plans. It involves the actual running of programs, conducting activities, and engaging with the community and stakeholders. It’s where the organization’s efforts become visible and impactful in the real world.


It is essential that we reflect and review our performance. This involves analyzing outcomes, assessing what worked and what didn’t, and identifying areas for improvement. It’s a critical stage for learning and planning future strategies, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation of our joint strategy.

Each of these stages is crucial for a non-profit to effectively achieve its mission and make a meaningful impact. Dependent on the current level of your non-profit, the fidelity of your vision and mission, and your experience with grant management, we adjust our approach to best work with you and your team.

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Who we work with


Our service for nonprofits can be classified as pre-award, award and post-award phase, this simply means that we provide service for all stages of the grant life cycle.


Has your bank asked you for a Business Plan or do you need to attract investors? Do you need structure and/or to redefine your target market?

Why Choose Us?

Because we don’t just write grants

We weave your passion into compelling narratives, pairing your mission with the perfect funding opportunities, all while guiding you with a tailored strategy for sustainable success.